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Exploring Forward-Thinking Theories in B2B Sustainable Tourism Consulting

Introduction In an era marked by growing environmental concerns and an increasing demand for ethical and responsible practices, the world of business-to-business (B2B) sustainable tourism consulting is undergoing a transformative phase. As the tourism industry grapples with the need to balance economic growth with ecological preservation, innovative theories are emerging to guide B2B consultants toward...

Night market in Budva town

A Glimpse into the Night Market’s Magic As the scent of delectable street food wafts through the air, and colourful stalls illuminate the streets with their dazzling displays, the Night Market in Budva comes to life in a symphony of energy and excitement. The market serves as a communal space for both tourists and residents,...

Sustainable Destination Development

Are the cities in Montenegro accessible? Do our cities/destinations offer apps for tourists? Is Smart destination already a Sustainable destination? These and other questions you may find in new PODCAST held by Marija Lazarevic, MSc, CEO and Executive consultant in MariXperience ltd.. ———— This podcast is hosted by Marija Lazarevic and it will bring you...

Cultural Tourism and Sustainable Development

According to the definition adopted by the UNWTO General Assembly, at its 22nd session (2017), Cultural Tourism implies “A type of tourism activity in which the visitor’s essential motivation is to learn, discover, experience and consume the tangible and intangible cultural attractions/products in a tourism destination. These attractions/products relate to a set of distinctive material,...

Development of Tourism Infrastructure in Destination

Tourism is a very important activity for the economy of Montenegro, so infrastructure development is essential for the growth of the sector and new development. This blog post will be focused on managing the tourism infrastructure development in Montenegro. The question is: What we need to do to sustainably develop our tourism infrastucture? Infrastructure, including air, ground,...

Strategical Planning in Sustainable Tourist Destination

Sustainable planning and management in tourist destination is the most pressing challenge in the future of tourism. In this post you can find what is necessary to have sustainable tourist destination. The question is: What we need to do to make our tourist destination sustainable? In the past Montenegro has developed few Strategical plans of...

Promjena modela tradicionalnog turizma

  Svi smo svjedoci promjena koje su nastale od pandemije Covid 19, koja se još uvijek nije završila, ali koja je uzrokovala druge promjene i tendencije u sektoru turizma. Međutim, promjene su se i ranije događale ali nisu toliko brzo kao u poslednje tri godine. Prije pandemije se već počeo mijenjati model tradicionalnog turizma i...


Kojim god poslom da se bavite, a najčešći poslovi su vezani za ljude, rad sa ljudima, i uz pomoć ljudi, najvažnije je biti svjestan jedne velike činjenice a to je da svaki čovjek na planeti želi imati oko sebe ljude, proizvode, usluge, životne situacije koje: Nude rješenja za zaustavljanje gubitka životne energije i Nude rješenja...

Zašto se voli WOW doživljaj?

Kada gost/kupac/korisnik doživi onaj, svima drag momenat, tzv. Wow!, pružamo mu prijatno iznenađenje. Ne samo što prevazilazimo njihova očekivanja, već susrećemo njihove potrebe promišljeno i na neočekivani način. To je izraz našeg autentičnog interesa za osobu koja traži naše usluge, a ne samo za transakciju (plati za određeni proizvod ili uslugu). Ovdje se radi o...